- Easy Migration from other panels.
- Manage stream completely including Timeshift, import multiple streams and many other options
- Add ,manage or transcode your VOD and series completely with many tools
- Free Dyndns service : you can create free domain for your server with just one click
- Registered Users Manager (Reseller , Sub reseller and Sub Subreseller)
- Block IPS/CIDR and User agent including other security tools
- Unlimited load balancer servers can be linked to the panel
- Add or manage Radio and Enigma2 devices with many available tools
- Tools, EPG, Genaral setting and manage database with many features
- Streams, Mag and lines managment and Security Plugin,Tools,Setting,RTMP
- Bouquets,Category,Mass edit streams
- Fingerprint
As you had never seen, Unlike other panels you can completely customize your text before sending it to your user screen , you can also send variables to your users , with our fingerprint feature you will be able to send text to streams , on manage users and on client activity log
- Channels
In other panels you can only create a channel that contain videos from one server , in SolusTV you can create your own channel from many sources , for example you can select the first video of the channel from your master server and the others videos from any load balance server , Creating channel can be done by selecting videos , vod , series or external links
- You can check all other features by ordering a free trial